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I can't get PacManRX or PuckMan to load. I have a Grey +2 with a Lotherek Divide. The rest of the games load, but those ones are stuck on a black and white loading screen. 

It seems to be an incompatibility with the Lotherek Divide as all games work with my Retroleum Smartcard V2

Understood. I will upload versions that use a standard loader soon, that should fix the issue. In the meantime, feel free to load the games into an emulator and create a snapshot. The game pauses on the loading screen before starting so you can create a convenient snapshot at that point.

Thanks! You made an excellent port of Pac-Man. 

They work perfectly now, thanks.

happy to help

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So expensive ! come on !

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Three games which normally cost a total of 14, plus bonus games, plus an update for the Spectrum Next on Asteroids. 

Sorry that you don't place value on these games and the work I do, please don't buy the games if you don't value them.

Well, there is no problem about giving my opinion. Sincerely. i like your gaming lookings.

Fantastic arcade pack, Allan. Great work!! 

thanks! plenty to more to come I hope.

Here is a video of Pac-Man RX, thank you again for all your work...